How does high achievers think compared to rest of their world? High achievers simply dream bigger. John F. Kennedy dreamed of putting a man on the moon. Martin Luther King Jr. dreamed of a country free from prejudice and injustice. Bill Gates dreams of a world in which every home has a computer that is connected to the internet. Buckminster Fuller dreamed of world where everybody had access to electric power.
These high achievers see the world from a whole different perspective – as a place where amazing things can happen, where billions of lives can be improved, where new technology can change the way we live, and where the world’s resources can be leveraged for the greatest possible mutual gain. They believe anything is possible, and they believe they have an integral part in creating it.
These high achievers see opportunities inside every problem that mankind is going through. The only difference is that they can see these potential opportunities much earlier than what the rest of the world can see. If you see Amazon, they have been transforming the whole retailing business. It was in 2012, they could connect the dots where advancements in technology and trends in economic development could connect by 2020. They could see the problems in the then retailing business where the common man was suffering from. They could see the role of technology transformation in delivering quality retailing products at the customer door steps. They could see the opportunity inside the retailing market. They banged on their vision and they kept on working on their vision with grit in their mind.
High achievers have clarity in their thought and a logical well-connected algorithm to reach their high goals, so they cannot be fooled around easily. They accept the reality in it’s truest form. They base their thoughts on pragmatic possibilities respecting limitations. They can scale their thoughts on political, social, technological, environmental, and legal dimensions while contemplating and arriving on their vision. They thus set clarity on "where they are" and "where they want to be" in their choice of domain.
Often the high achievers work for noble goals. They work for such goals where entire world will appreciate and look up to those noble benefits. For example, let us take Google Maps. In 2012, I visited AstraZeneca headquarters located at Wilmington, DE, USA on a business trip. When I was travelling on US roads, Google Maps were quite new to me and they were helping the cab driver to reach the destination. I was wondering, it would be impossible to implement Google maps on Indian roads as they are still unorganized. But, from 2015 onwards, I started observing how google maps were helping Indian public in reaching their destination. Their efficacy in predicting the time to destination, putting us on the nearest routes is amazing. I am stilled puzzled to understand “how come they offer this service at free of cost?”. Whatever may be the promotional math in this process, they are working for noble goals.
It is all about where you set your target that matters. When, I was travelling to reach 24 hours destination (from Vijayawada to New Delhi) by train, I started experiencing the tiredness in me just before 2 hours of travel to the destination. (i.e., after 22 hours of travel from the origin). When I was travelling to reach 6 hours of destination (from Vijayawada to Hyderabad) by train, I started experiencing the tiredness in me just before the same 2 hours of travel to the destination (i.e., after 4 hours of travel from the origin). This is where, I realized our body and mind naturally get set to the vision to set. If we set to the higher vision, the body and mind gets tuned to the high target. If we set low vision, the body and mind get tuned for the low target.
High achievers take inspiration from various different sources. They often get connected to "why" of their goal so deeply and work towards both in their conscious and unconscious sates till they achieve it. They take pride in their purpose and pride in reaching their goal. They are so deep routed to their goal such that they will not get disappointed even if they fail at their mission because they knew in their hearts that their experience towards nobility will give platform for somebody else to pursue their goals further on. They admit their mistakes quickly and learn from it time to time. Their core belief in their vision should not be misunderstood. Instead, rest of the world should try to understand their context to help the world. At the end, criticizing something is quite easy. We all will realize when we are tasked to build it.
As Robert Firtz said, “If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is a compromise”. I truly believe that we should set high vision to achieve high goals and start unfolding the same. Let our dreams be noble, clear on thought and logic and high on complexity.
Let us aim high. Big dreams attract big people. As Michelango said “The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it”
"How to get from where you are to where you want to be" - Jack Canfield, 25th edition.